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1956 50c SDDO-001


Strong Class VI extra thickness on LIBERTY, IGWT, and the date.

Cross References: DDO-002, WDDO-002

Die Markers:
Obverse: Stage A: Strong concentric die scratch behind and in front of the head. Die scratches connect the E in WE and the T in TRUST. Multiple die gouges left of the first T in TRUST. Parallel die gouges to the right of the B in LIBERTY. Stage B: Stage A markers worn away. Die chips inside the E in LIBERTY. Many die cracks across the bottom of the bust. Die scratches behind the head. Strong die scratches above the nose.
Reverse: Stage A: Die scratch runs northeast from the bottom right of the bell. Numerous die scratches above the right side of the bell. Numerous die scratches through the HA in HALF. Stage B: Stage A markers worn away. Die scratch below the second U in UNUM.

Submitted by: Tanner Scott


195650csddo001.1589156020.txt.gz · Last modified: 05/11/2020 00:13 UTC by Tanner Scott