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2013-P MD 25c CRDR-006


Doubling to the west on the right side of both firework bursts and two of the lower stripes of the flag. Very similar to CRDR-005 except the doubling on the fireworks is weaker and the doubled stripes are stronger. Does not have slight doubling on the wall, unlike CRDR-005.

Die Markers:
Obverse: Die crack runs across the bust above the designers initials JF with two die chips just left of the J and another die chip far right of the F. Die chip on the bust above the E in QUARTER. Die gouge below the right side of the M in AMERICA.
Reverse: Die gouge below the EN in McHENRY. Die chip or gouge touches the bottom of one of the shorter, lower-left firework bursts. Two die gouges between the roof of the fort and the firework bursts.

Submitted by: Tanner Scott


2013pmd25ccrdr006.1589216642.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 05/11/2020 17:04 UTC by Tanner Scott