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2014-P 5c CRDR-027


The left side of the doorway ceiling is doubled to the south.

Die Markers:
Obverse: Stage A: Die chip on the right eyebrow. Stage B: Stage A marker still present. Die crack formed that runs from the Y in LIBERTY to the rim. Die gouge between the E in WE and the first T in TRUST. Die gouge to the right of the U in TRUST.
Reverse: Stage A: Die chip on the left side of the dome. Die crack inside the last O in MONTICELLO. Three die dents along the rim to the right of the designers initials FS. Stage B: Stage A markers still present. Die gouge inside the tall left window. Die gouge to the left of the left column. Die gouge below the E in FIVE. Die gouge to the right of the N in CENTS. Die gouge below the T in CENTS. Die gouge to the right of the F in OF. Die gouge above the left side of the dome. Die gouge far to the left of the E in E PLURIBUS UNUM.

Submitted by: Tanner Scott


2014p5ccrdr027.1584578952.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 03/19/2020 00:49 UTC by Tanner Scott