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2015-P 5c CRDR-002


The upper left of the doorway is doubled to the east.

Cross-References: DDR-003, WDDR-004

Die Markers:
Obverse: Stage A: None known. Stage B: Die chip between E and R of LIBERTY.
Reverse: Stage A: Die gouge to the right of the upper left side of the M in AMERICA. Die gouge to the left of the base of the building. Stage B: Stage A markers still present. Die gouge above second O in MONTICELLO (This may exist on Stage A examples but VarietyVista doesn't mention it). Die crack runs from the O in OF, through the TATES of STATES, and ends above the E in UNITED.

Submitted by: Anonymous


2015p5ccrdr002.1553394023.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 03/24/2019 02:20 UTC by Tanner Scott