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1941-D 5c WRPM-007


D/D Titled (Rotated)

Die Markers:
Obverse: Old N/S die scratch through the upper queue. Short die scratches extend N/NW from the bridge of the nose and the forehead. E/W die scratch at the throat. Small die gouge between the N in IN and the G in GOD. Small die gouge above the inner right side of the G in GOD.
Reverse: Concentric die scratch near the right E of the M in UNUM. Old N/S die scratches left of the building. Short NE/SW die scratch connects the serif of the L in PLURIBUS to its upright. Short N/S die scratch between the E and first L in MONTICELLO.

Submitted by: Tanner Scott


1941d5cwrpm007.txt · Last modified: 10/29/2022 16:22 UTC by Tanner Scott