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1946-D 10c WRPM-012


D/D West

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #14

Die Markers:
Obverse: WWHO-001 Stage A: Die gouge about centered between IN GOD. Stage B: Gouge is still present but abraded. Die gouge on the bottom of the right leg of the R in TRUST.
Reverse: Stage A: Die chips above the right side of the B in PLURIBUS. Die gouge at the lower right side of the O in ONE. Die gouges at the lower left side of the N in ONE. Curly die scratch at the lower right side of the D in DIME. NE/SW die scratches through the M in DIME. Stage B: Chips above the B in PLURIBUS is weak. Die scratch below the D in DIME is weak. All other stage A markers abraded away.

Submitted by: David Mulberry (Stage A) and Eric Axtell (Stage B) (Discovered by Eric Axtell)


Stage A:

Stage B:

1946d10cwrpm012.txt · Last modified: 07/17/2022 04:43 UTC by Tanner Scott