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1954-D 10c WRPM-005


D/D North

Die Markers:
Obverse: E/W die crack at the upper back of the hair. Die chip on the nose above the nostrils. Short N/S die scratch between the lower area of the R and T in LIBERTY.
Reverse: V-shaped die scratch NW from the D of DIME. Large X-shaped die scratch left of the I of DIME. Die scratch north from the highest torch flame running through the last S in STATES. Die scratch SE from the I of PLURIBUS. Long die scratch S by E from the left lower oak leaf running through the acorn and the S in PLURIBUS.

Submitted by: Jeff Longeuay


1954d10cwrpm005.txt · Last modified: 06/23/2022 16:05 UTC by Tanner Scott